Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Menopause versus Puberty, God help us!

Yep, I am a mother of a 14 year old daughter and am 48 myself. Can I tell you, the hormones are active in our house!! It's just sad that they can't be complimentary to each other. In a perfect world, when one of us has fangs the other could be supportive and nurturing. Instead we're usually on the same page at the same time. The good news is that we are honest about it and either retreat to opposite locations in the house to stay out of each other's way or at least own the bitch in us and apologize to each other when the aggression may be unwarranted.

My daughter calls the spontaneous yelling "Tweaking". I try not to do it too often. When I feel the crazy woman rearing her ugly head I try to go behind closed doors. Once it passes I am able to laugh it off as it is the most absurd thing. Yelling because the dishwasher hasn't been emptied or the mail hasn't been gotten from the mailbox. I tell myself it's not the end of the world and it only makes me look like a lunatic. Besides, I'm the adult. It's a right of passage for my teenager to say and do stupid things. After all, she's only 14!

To think, one day she and I will share a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and laugh about how crazy we were with conversations that will start with "remember when..." In the meantime, God help us :).

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