Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's always something...

Well this week menopause has been taking it's toll on me. My physical, mental and emotional stability has been tested. I take a medication that is supposed to reduce the night sweats associated with our dear "late in life friend". Well it turns out that one of the side affects of the medication is light headedness and headaches. Not that it is supposed to help the hot flashes but they seem to have increased recently. So needless to say, I am what the kids call "a hot mess", literally! So I made the decision yesterday to take things into my own hands. I called my doc and advised her that I had had enough of the pills and I wanted off. Fortunately (for the sake of my man and my daughter) I had the good sense to know gradual reduction was the recommended method for withdrawl. Needless to say, otherwise they would have had to cage me until I returned to a civil state.

All that said, if I begin to cry at cereal commercials, pictures of babies, and sappy love songs on the radio over the next three weeks, I have an excuse...what's yours? :)

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