Monday, June 8, 2009

Walking the Talk...

Well, in keeping with my last post, I am staying on task. Two months ago, I conducted a tele-seminar entitled, "Charting Your Path From Here." It was received positively by my audience. Since then, I have been trying to decide what to do next with this material. Should I conduct another seminar, parlay it into a presentation to be offered to women's organizations, consider expanding upon it and roll it into a series? The pivotal question... "What next?"

I facilitate a monthly women's group in the Twin Cities called Women in Transition where the members come from all over the cities to share information, resources and generally seek support related to the transitions women over 40 are go through. One of the members expressed frustration and a feeling of stagnation. She said she had lost her passion and wanted to know if I had any suggestions as to how to get it back; an idea of where to begin to find herself again. I told her I had something that might get her started again. The next day I sent her the script from the tele-seminar. I haven't heard from her on how it worked for her yet, we meet again on Wednesday, however, I am certain there was at least a small pearl she gained if she actually did the exercise. So in reflection on why I originally created the seminar and related exercise and having shared it with this woman, I decided the natural progression was to make it an exercise that others could do independently. So today I made it into a finished work with graphics and all the other marketing bells and whistles and to top it off, I filed for my first published work copyright.

Giving life to my work and making it "real" really felt exciting. It was the push I needed to keep moving forward. I will be looking for printing options and then will add it as an actual product to my website ( for sale. I will promote it with women's organizations and will share it with everyone who will listen. This may have been the very thing that will kick start both my practice as well as my getting back to writing my book. So tell me, what have you done to "walk your talk" lately? Are you living your passion? If not, why and when will you "kick start" your life?

Jazzed and loving it!


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